Monday 23 June 2014

Starting Bjj - Anne Sofie

I only started bjj about 2 months ago, and I'm hooked.

I've done kickboxing for a while and really enjoy it, but bjj really does require more from you as a person.
You have to commit to it, you have to practice, and you have to stick with it.

I enjoy every class and the support from higher belts is great and even if i get smashed in the class, there's always someone that will help me out, give me tips and get me back on track.

It can be hard when you only know a few things and they don't come automatically to you just yet. Saying that though, I feel much more secure while rolling than I did only a few months ago.

I see myself as a tough girl and I like to be challenged physically. And rolling with massive guys that can easily control you is definitely challenging.

But then it is such a great sense of achievement when you manage to get a sweep or break someones guard or make a pass!  And I do enjoy when some of the boys at the gym become completely silent after being beat by a girl. I don't think they appreciate that, ha, ha.

It makes you feel so strong to know that in a situation where someone would attack you, you do know ways to get out of it.

A random guy attacking you in the street is not going to know that you know bjj, so he's not going to be prepared for it.  I've learned what to do when someone attacks you from the back, have you in headlock, have both your arms among others.

Although they don't come automatic just yet, I know how to escape from mount, chokes, sweeps from full guard...all these things would help me in a situation with someone attacking me. It definitely makes me feel safer and more prepared.

It's such a great environment in bjj as well, everyone makes you feel welcome and tries to help you out. You do feel part of a family where everyone is passionate about the same thing.

And I don't know how it happened, but I think about bjj all the time. I go through it in my mind, read through the techniques I've written down in my bjj book, I've even dreamt about it! It does get you hooked, but in a good way. I think there's worse things one could be doing than learning how to use your body and challenge yourself both physically and mentally.

Now, I have to mention the Gi's!
Like actually, how did I start looking at Gi's on the Internet all the time?

I always thought that the uniform they were wearing was a bit odd.
But now I want one in every colour! Especially yellow, and red, and orange, and brown, and purple, and... Yep. :)

Anne Sofie Skaalvik

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